Dr Lee's
Integrated & Holistic
Recurrence Prevention
Cancer | Heart Diseases | Blood Vessel Diseases | Stroke | Brain & Nervous System Diseases | Endocrine Diseases | Diabetes | Auto-Immune Diseases | Liver Diseases | Kidney Diseases | Gallbladder Diseases | Digestive Diseases | Reproductive Diseases | Respiratory Diseases | Bone & Joint Diseases | Muscular Diseases | Skin Diseases | ENT Diseases | Hormonal Problems | Weight problems | and more…
All chronic diseases are just prolonged unhealthy conditions in one or more organs, which consequently result in prolonged disease-symptoms, aches & pains, and lowered vitality.
All prolonged disease-symptoms, aches & pains, and lowered vitality, are all just consequential effects of one or more organ being in a unhealthy condition for a prolonged period.
The various prolonged unhealthy conditions could be one or more of these – mucus accumulation, acidosis, disbiosys, infection, inflammation, fat saturation, crystallisation (stones), plaque formation & accumulation, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer, degeneration, and rupture/trauma.
When any one or more of the body organs are in any one of more of the above unhealthy conditions for a prolonged period, it results in what is called ‘chronic disease’, and thereby one experiences disease-symptoms, aches & pains, and lowered vitality for a prolonged period.
All prolonged disease-symptoms, aches & pains, and lowered vitality, are all just consequential effects of one or more organ being in a unhealthy condition for a prolonged period.
The various prolonged unhealthy conditions could be one or more of these – mucus accumulation, acidosis, disbiosys, infection, inflammation, fat saturation, crystallisation (stones), plaque formation & accumulation, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer, degeneration, and rupture/trauma.
When any one or more of the body organs are in any one of more of the above unhealthy conditions for a prolonged period, it results in what is called ‘chronic disease’, and thereby one experiences disease-symptoms, aches & pains, and lowered vitality for a prolonged period.
Abnormal states in one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health*, are the root causes to all prolonged unhealthy conditions in organs, and thereby the root causes to all prolonged symptoms, aches & pains, and lowered vitality.
Prolonged unhealthy conditions in organs do not happen magically; something else abnormal needs to happen in the body first, which then triggers the transformation of organs from their healthy condition to one or more of the unhealthy conditions described above. Those abnormalities that happen first are within the 10 Pillars of Health* – when any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health* are in an abnormal state, it directly or indirectly results in the transformation of organs from their healthy condition to an unhealthy condition such as infection, inflammation, fat/plaque saturation, crystallisation (stones), blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer, etc.
The root causes to any form of prolonged unhealthy condition in organs, i.e. the root causes to any form of chronic disease are any one or more of these: (1) Bad food diet, lack of essential nutrition, bad gut environment (2) Too much internal toxicity, & highly toxic external environment; (3) Poor blood & lymph circulation and oxygenation; (4) Abnormal brain & nerve regulation; (5) Hormonal imbalances; (6) Low base-cell* levels; (7) Abnormal mitochondrial function; (8) Abnormal genetics & epigenetics; (9) Stressed state of mind & emotions; (10) Poor physical activity & lifestyle.
*Click Here, to learn about the 10 Pillars of Health.
Prolonged unhealthy conditions in organs do not happen magically; something else abnormal needs to happen in the body first, which then triggers the transformation of organs from their healthy condition to one or more of the unhealthy conditions described above. Those abnormalities that happen first are within the 10 Pillars of Health* – when any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health* are in an abnormal state, it directly or indirectly results in the transformation of organs from their healthy condition to an unhealthy condition such as infection, inflammation, fat/plaque saturation, crystallisation (stones), blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer, etc.
The root causes to any form of prolonged unhealthy condition in organs, i.e. the root causes to any form of chronic disease are any one or more of these: (1) Bad food diet, lack of essential nutrition, bad gut environment (2) Too much internal toxicity, & highly toxic external environment; (3) Poor blood & lymph circulation and oxygenation; (4) Abnormal brain & nerve regulation; (5) Hormonal imbalances; (6) Low base-cell* levels; (7) Abnormal mitochondrial function; (8) Abnormal genetics & epigenetics; (9) Stressed state of mind & emotions; (10) Poor physical activity & lifestyle.
Normalising all 10 Pillars of Health*, results in treating the root causes to unhealthy conditions in organs and thereby restores them to their healthy condition, and thereby resolves chronic diseases & their symptoms, resolves aches & pains, and restores vitality.
Normalising all 10 Pillars of Health*, results in treating the root causes to unhealthy conditions in organs and thereby restores them to their healthy condition, and thereby resolves chronic diseases & their symptoms, resolves aches & pains, and restores vitality.
As established above in Disease Principle 2, a prolonged abnormal state in one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health* is the root cause to any form of prolonged unhealthy condition in organs and thereby the root cause to chronic diseases; i.e. prolonged unhealthy conditions in organs and thereby chronic diseases are effects/consequences of an abnormal state in any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health*.
Therefore, when all the 10 Pillars of Health* are restored to their normal state thus: (1) Wholesome food diet, full spectrum of essential nutrition, healthy gut environment (2) No internal toxicity, & non-toxic external environment; (3) Good blood & lymph circulation and oxygenation; (4) Normal brain & nerve regulation; (5) Balanced Hormone levels; (6) Normal base-cell* levels; (7) Normal mitochondrial function; (8) Normal genetics & epigenetics; (9) Peaceful state of mind & emotions; (10) Good physical activity, then all the root causes to unhealthy conditions in organs are treated, which then results in restoration of all organs to their healthy condition, and thereby resolves chronic diseases.
*Click Here, to learn about the 10 Pillars of Health.
As established above in Disease Principle 2, a prolonged abnormal state in one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health* is the root cause to any form of prolonged unhealthy condition in organs and thereby the root cause to chronic diseases; i.e. prolonged unhealthy conditions in organs and thereby chronic diseases are effects/consequences of an abnormal state in any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health*.
Therefore logically, restoring all 10 Pillars of Health* to their normal state results in preventing further unhealthy conditions in organs, and gradually results in the restoration of organs to their healthy condition.
When all the 10 Pillars of Health* are restored to their normal state, then all the root causes to unhealthy conditions in organs are treated, which then results in restoration of all organs to their healthy condition, and thereby resolves chronic diseases.
Optimising all 10 Pillars of Health*, results in optimal conditions & functions in all organs, optimal immunity, and thereby results in preventing recurrences of unhealthy conditions in organs, and preventing recurrences of chronic diseases.
Optimal condition & function of the diseased organs and other major organs, optimal immunity, and thereby prevention of recurrences of chronic diseases is an effect/consequence of raising all 10 Pillars of Health* to their optimal state.
When all the 10 Pillars of Health* are raised to their optimal state thus: (1) Wholesome food diet, full spectrum of essential nutrition, healthy gut environment (2) No internal toxicity, & non-toxic external environment; (3) Optimal blood & lymph circulation and oxygenation; (4) Optimal brain & nerve regulation; (5) Optimal Hormone levels; (6) Optimal stem-cell levels; (7) Optimal mitochondrial function; (8) Normal genetics & epigenetics; (9) Optimal state of mind & emotions; (10) Optimal physical activity, then all organs are seen to be at their optimal condition & function, immunity is seen to be optimal, and thereby recurrences of unhealthy conditions in organs & thereby recurrences of chronic disease are prevented, and one can experience on-going optimal health and a high quality of life.
*Click Here, to learn about the 10 Pillars of Health.
As established above, chronic diseases are effects/consequences of an abnormal state in any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health*, and healing & good health is the effect/consequence of normal states in all the 10 Pillars of Health*; and now to logically add to that principle, optimal condition & function in all organs and optimal immunity, and thereby prevention of chronic disease recurrence is the effect/consequence of improving all 10 Pillars of Health* to their optimal state.
When all the 10 Pillars of Health* are optimised, then all organs are seen to be at their optimal condition & function, immunity is seen to be optimal, and thereby recurrences of prolonged unhealthy conditions in organs & thereby recurrences of chronic disease are prevented, and one can experience on-going optimal health and a high quality of life.
Therefore, chronic diseases can be effectively treated and prevented from recurring, only by doing these two necessary steps:
- Normalise all 10 Pillars of Health, and thereby treat the root causes to all unhealthy conditions in organs, and thereby restore all organs to their healthy condition.
- Optimise all 10 Pillars of Health*, and thereby optimise the condition & function of all organ, optimise immunity, and thereby prevent recurrences of prolonged unhealthy conditions in organs, and thereby prevent recurrences of chronic diseases.
Therefore, chronic diseases can be effectively treated and prevented from recurring, only by doing these two necessary steps:
- Normalise all 10 Pillars of Health, and thereby treat the root causes to all unhealthy conditions in organs, and thereby restore all organs to their healthy condition & function.
- Optimise all 10 Pillars of Health*, and thereby optimise the condition & function of all organ, optimise immunity, and thereby prevent recurrences of prolonged unhealthy conditions in organs, and thereby prevent recurrences of chronic diseases.
*Click Here, to learn about the 10 Pillars of Health.
What is Integrated Treatment?
The word ‘Integration’ simply means ‘Combination’. Integrated Treatment therefore means to combine various medical modalities and therapies in a strategic way so to (1) Normalise all 10 Pillars of Health, and thereby treat the root causes to prolonged unhealthy conditions in organs, and thereby restore all organs to their healthy condition; and (2) Optimise all 10 Pillars of Health, and thereby optimise the condition & function of all organs, optimise immunity, and thereby prevent recurrences of prolonged unhealthy condition in organs, and thereby prevent recurrences of chronic diseases. For Example: a patient with cancer would be given an Integrated Treatment comprising of therapies such as Chelation therapy, Detoxification therapy, Autohemo therapy, IV Nutrition therapy, Wholesome food therapy, etc.
What is Holistic Treatment?
The word ‘Holistic’ basically means Whole (Whole-listic). In this context, Holistic means to treat the entire body as one unit, to induce healing in the whole body and not just treat one unhealthy organ condition or one chronic disease alone in isolation while leaving the rest of the body in a diseased state (as done in conventional treatments). The focus of a Holistic Treatment is to induce healing in the whole body, to bring the whole body (all organs) back to normal health. In a holistic treatment, all unhealthy conditions in all organs and thereby all chronic diseases are treated simultaneously together, healing is induced in the whole body, and the whole body-system is restored to normal health as much as possible.
Why Integrated & Holistic Treatment is Necessary & the Only Way?
As established above under ‘Conclusive Principle’, effective treatment & recurrence-prevention of chronic diseases can only be achieved by these 2 necessary steps: (1) Normalise all 10 Pillars of Health* and thereby restore all organs to their healthy condition, and thereby resolve all chronic diseases ; and (2) Optimise all 10 Pillars of Health* and thereby prevent recurrences of chronic diseases..
No one therapy or treatment modality can help complete these 2 necessary steps; an integration (combination) of various therapies is necessary for this.
Therefore Integrated & Holistic Treatment is necessary, and is the only way toward effective chronic disease treatment & recurrence prevention.
DISCLAIMER: The above principles are understood based upon independent-research and clinical observations of diagnosis & treatment administered to numerous patients by Dr Lee, his specialist doctor-mentors & teachers, and his peers in the field of integrated medicine. These principles for disease & treatment represent only the principles upon which the diagnosis & treatment protocol in Heal Within are based, and not to be considered as the principles established by any medical governing body.
Normalising all 10 Pillars of Health, results in restoring all organs to their healthy condition. But in certain cases the unhealthy conditions in organs is severe & life-threatening in which case treating those unhealthy conditions becomes a separate focused objective in our treatment, and specialised therapies are used for this.
Normalising all 10 Pillars of Health, results in restoring all organs to their healthy condition. But in certain cases the unhealthy conditions in organs is severe & life-threatening in which case treating those unhealthy conditions becomes a separate focused objective in our treatment, and specialised therapies are used for this.
Abnormal states in 10 Pillars of Health are the root causes to all unhealthy conditions in organs, and normalising the states in all 10 Pillars of Health results restoring all organs to their healthy condition. Therefore, the second primary objective & key result in our treatment is to normalise all 10 Pillars of Health.
Abnormal states in 10 Pillars of Health are the root causes to all unhealthy conditions in organs, and normalising the states in all 10 Pillars of Health results restoring all organs to their healthy condition. Therefore, the second primary objective & key result in our treatment is to normalise all 10 Pillars of Health.
Further improving all 10 Pillars of Health to their optimal states results in optimal condition & function in all organs and optimal immunity, and thereby results in preventing recurrences of any unhealthy conditions in organs and thereby prevention of chronic diseases, and ultimately to optimal health & high quality of life.
Further improving all 10 Pillars of Health to their optimal states results in optimal condition & function in all organs and optimal immunity, and thereby results in preventing recurrences of any unhealthy conditions in organs organs and thereby prevention of chronic diseases, and ultimately to optimal health & high quality of life.
*Click Here, to learn about the 10 Pillars of Health.
Click-expand on each tab below to see the list of therapies used for each of the 3 Treatment Objectives
Normalising all 10 Pillars of Health, results in restoring all organs to their healthy condition. But in certain cases the unhealthy conditions in organs is severe & life-threatening in which case treating those unhealthy conditions becomes a separate focused objective in our treatment, and specialised therapies are used for this.
NOTE: All these therapies are not administered to every patient; instead, the designated doctor chooses the necessary therapies from among these based on each patient’s condition.
Click-expand each therapy to read details
What it is: It is a set comprising of Vegetable powder & fiber, Herbs, Essential nutrients, Essential fats, Essential salts, Antioxidants & alkalisers, Probiotics, Enzymes, and Wholesome food.
Used for: Opening up the circulation & elimination channels in the body, so to then allow the efficient flow of therapeutic compounds (used in other therapies for treating unhealthy conditions in major organs) into the major organs.
And for, dissolving some of the unhealthy conditions in the major organs – mucus, acids, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc.
Also used for, improving the function of detox organs (liver, gallbladder, kidneys, skin, intestines & colon), and thereby aid to treat the unhealthy conditions in major organs.
How its administered: Orally, and consumed at home at the schedule set by doctor.
What it is: Chelation Therapy is basically an intravenous therapy – a specially formulated compound (called ‘chelator agent’) is sent into the blood stream for about 30 mins. The chelator agent & its concentration is chosen based on the patient’s body condition.
Used for: Treating unhealthy conditions in major organs; primarily – dissolving plaque, dissolving crystals (stones), and extracting & flushing-out heavy metals.
How its administered: Intravenously.
What it is: FIR Therapy (Far-Infra-Red Therapy) is basically a chamber in which Far-infra red frequencies are resonated & propagated.
Used for: Raise the body’s core temperature, raise metabolism, relax blood vessels, stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system; and thereby stimulate the body’s natural detoxification mechanism, and open up the detox channels, so to cause the dissolved mucus, acids, visceral fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs) to be effectively flushed out of the body, and thereby inducing restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: The patient is placed in the FIR Therapeutic Chamber for 30 minutes. Number of sessions is determined by doctor based on patient’s condition.
What it is: A concentrated form of hydrogen ions, produced in a therapeutic hydrogen ion generator, sent into the blood-stream of the patient for about 30 minutes.
Used for: Reducing oxidative stress & inflammation in major organs, and thereby induces the restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously.
What it is: A blend of dark-green vegetables and optionally some fruits (for palatability).
Used for: Further alkalising the blood, and thereby further aid in the dissolving of mucus, acids, crystals/stones, visceral fat, plaque, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby inducing restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Essential nutrients isolated from food, herbs & sea-plants; and concentrated into powder or liquid form.
Used for: Provide the organ-cells with the necessary raw material for their proper function, so to induce natural rejuvenation in major organs, and thereby induce a restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Machine based therapy, in which inflatable cuffs are wrapped around the patient’s calves & thighs, and inflated during the diastolic phase of the heart-beat cycle (when the heart is expanding) which forces the blood from the lower section of the body into the heart without any additional workload to the heart, and then deflated during the systolic phase of the heart-beat cycle (when the heart is contracting). This is done for about 45mins to 1 hour, and repeated for around 35 sessions.
Used for: Enhancing the condition & function of the blood vessels, lymph vessels, and the heart, thereby enhancing blood & lymph circulation, and thereby enhancing the flushing out of mucus, acids, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs) to be effectively flushed out of the body, and thereby inducing restoration of major organs to their healthy condition, and ultimately inducing restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: In the clinic.
What it is: A machine based therapy. A chamber that contains oxygen at high concentration & pressure in which the patient lies down for around 30 mins.
Used for: Increasing oxygen content in the blood, so to highly alkalise it, and thereby further aid in the dissolving of mucus, acids, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: In the clinic.
What it is: A portion of blood is extracted from the patient, which is then oxygenated & activated in a specialised device. This oxygen-rich and activated blood is then re-infused into the patient’s body intravenously.
Used for: Increase oxygen content in the blood, so to highly alkalise it, and thereby further aid in the dissolving of mucus, acids, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: Concentrated form of nutrients from food, herbs & sea-plants.
Used for: Providing the organ-cells with the necessary raw material for their proper function, so to induce natural rejuvenation in major organs, and thereby induce a restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: Extracts from various medicinal herbs (in the form of: powders, infusions, and oils).
Used for: Normalising brain & nerve regulation, balancing hormonal levels, normalising mitochondrial function, normalising metabolism, improving blood circulation, improving heart & blood vessel function, reducing mental & nervous stress, inducing repair, healing & rejuvenation in heart blood vessels, and thereby cumulatively to induce restoration in major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Specialised movement & exercise routines.
Used for: Enhancing blood & lymph circulation, and thereby aid in the flushing out of the dissolved mucus, acids, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby inducing restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: At patient’s place of convenience.
Scroll up & Click the next tab “NORMALISE ALL 10 PILLARS OF HEALTH”, to view its details.
Abnormal states in 10 Pillars of Health are the root causes to all unhealthy conditions in organs, and normalising the states in all 10 Pillars of Health results restoring all organs to their healthy condition. Therefore, the second primary objective & key result in our treatment is to normalise all 10 Pillars of Health.
Abnormal states in any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health is the root cause to unhealthy conditions in major organs. Specifically, these are the 10 Root Causes: (1) Bad food diet, lack of essential nutrition, bad gut environment (2) Too much internal toxicity, & highly toxic external environment; (3) Poor blood & lymph circulation and oxygenation; (4) Abnormal brain & nerve regulation; (5) Hormonal imbalances; (6) Low base-cell* levels; (7) Abnormal mitochondrial function; (8) Abnormal genetics & epigenetics; (9) Stressed state of mind & emotions; (10) Poor physical activity & lifestyle.
The following therapies are administered to normalise all 10 Pillars of Health i.e. to treat these 10 Root Causes, and thereby resolve unhealthy conditions in major organs.
NOTE: All these therapies are not administered to every patient; instead, the designated doctor chooses the necessary therapies from among these based on each patient’s condition.
Click-expand each therapy to read details
What it is: Essential nutrients isolated from food, herbs & sea-plants; and concentrated into powder or liquid form.
Used for: Normalising the gut-environment; and normalising the necessary nutrient levels in the blood & organs, so to provide the organ-cells with the necessary raw material for their proper function, normalise the body’s natural detoxification mechanism and thereby both treat & prevent the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of all major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Concentrated form of nutrients from plants & herbs in liquid form.
Used for: Normalising the necessary nutrient levels in the blood & organs, so to provide the organ-cells with the necessary raw material for their proper function, normalise the body’s natural detoxification mechanism and thereby both treat & prevent the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of all major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: Concentrated powder-form of a full spectrum of wholesome foods.
Used for: A bad diet is one of the major causes to unhealthy conditions in major organs. Therefore, Wholesome food therapy is administered to help the patient consume a nourishing diet and thereby both treat & prevent the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of all major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: It is a set comprising of Vegetable powder & fiber, Herbs, Essential nutrients, Essential fats, Essential salts, Antioxidants & alkalisers, Probiotics, Enzymes, and Wholesome food.
Used for: Detoxifying the toxins in the blood, alkalising the blood, and thereby both treat & prevent the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of all major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, and consumed at home at the schedule set by doctor.
What it is: Chelation Therapy is basically a specially formulated compound (called ‘chelator agent’) sent into the blood stream to bind to toxic heavy metals like mercury, lead, etc. and then flush these out of the body. The chelator agent & its concentration is chosen based on the patient’s body condition.
Used for: Presence of toxic heavy metals like mercury, lead, etc. in the blood is one of the major root causes to unhealthy conditions in major organs. These toxic metals cannot be moved out of the blood & organs by Detoxification Therapy alone, it needs special compounds that can affectively bind to those toxic metals and flush them out of the body; and therefore, Chelation Therapy is used for just this, and thereby to both treat & prevent the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of all major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously.
What it is: FIR Therapy (Far-Infra-Red Therapy) is basically a chamber in which Far-infra red frequencies are resonated & propagated.
Used for: Raising the body’s core temperature, raising metabolism, relaxing blood vessels, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system; and thereby stimulating the body’s natural detoxification mechanism, and open up the detox channels, so to then enhance the flushing out of toxins.
How its administered: In the clinic. The patient is placed in the FIR Therapeutic Chamber for 30 minutes. Number of sessions is determined by doctor based on patient’s condition.
What it is: A concentrated form of hydrogen ions, produced in a therapeutic hydrogen ion generator.
Used for: Oxidative stress results in inflammation in major organs, and thereby contributes to the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. in major organs. Therefore, Hydrogen therapy is used for reducing oxidative stress, thereby reducing inflammation, and thereby further aids in the restoration of all major organs to their normal healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: A portion of blood is extracted from the patient, which is then oxygenated & activated in a specialised device. This oxygen-rich and activated blood is then re-infused into the patient’s body intravenously.
Used for: Increase oxygen content in the blood, highly alkalise the blood, and thereby induce repair & healing in all major organs, improve their function, and induce restoration to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: Extracts from various medicinal herbs (in the form of: powders, infusions, and oils).
Used for: Normalising brain & nerve regulation, balancing hormonal levels, normalising mitochondrial function, normalising metabolism, improving blood circulation, improving heart & blood vessel function, reducing mental & nervous stress, and thereby induce repair & healing in all major organs, improve their function, and induce restoration to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Machine based therapy, in which inflatable cuffs are wrapped around the patient’s calves & thighs, and inflated during the diastolic phase of the heart-beat cycle (when the heart is expanding) which forces the blood from the lower section of the body into the heart without any additional workload to the heart, and then deflated during the systolic phase of the heart-beat cycle (when the heart is contracting). This is done for about 45mins to 1 hour, and repeated for around 35 sessions.
Used for: Improving blood circulation and thereby improving delivery of oxygen & essential nutrients to the heart & other major organs; also used for improving lymph circulation, and thereby improving the efficiency of the body’s natural detoxification mechanism, so to cumulatively induce repair & healing in all major organs, improve their function, and induce restoration to their healthy condition.
How its administered: EECP Therapy machine, in the clinic.
What it is: A machine based therapy. A chamber that contains oxygen at high concentration & pressure in which the patient lies down for around 30 mins.
Used for: Increase oxygen content in the blood, highly alkalise the blood & tissue-fluid, and thereby induce repair & healing in all major organs, improve their function, and induce restoration to their healthy condition.
How its administered: In the clinic.
What it is: Stream of concentrated laser-light generate by a therapeutic laser machine.
Used for: Used in combination with IV Nutrition therapy. First, selected nutrients are administered intravenously, and then a stream of laser light is administered intravenously, for activating those nutrients for better absorption into the cells, and thereby increasing the speed & efficiency of repair & healing in all major organs, improve their function, and induce restoration to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: Extracts from plant sources which are synthesised in labs to match the chemistry of hormones in the body.
Used for: Filling in the depleted hormones and thereby for the balancing the hormonal levels in the body; thereby majorly contributing to the necessary processes (nutrition absorption, detoxification, homeostasis, immune function, tissue repair, cellular rejuvenation, etc.), thereby both treat & prevent the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. (all which are unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of all major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Specialised movement & exercise routines.
Used for: Inducing positive stress in muscles, enhance blood & lymph circulation, enhance detoxification, normalise brain & nerve regulation, enhance mitochondrial function, and reduce mental stress, so to cumulatively induce repair & healing in all major organs, improve their function, and induce restoration to their healthy condition.
How its administered: At patient’s place of convenience.
Scroll up & Click the next tab “OPTIMISE ALL 10 PILLARS OF HEALTH”, to view its details.
Further improving all 10 Pillars of Health to their optimal states results in optimal condition & function in all organs and optimal immunity, and thereby results in preventing recurrences of any unhealthy conditions in organs organs and thereby prevention of chronic diseases, and ultimately to optimal health & high quality of life.
The following therapies are administered to optimise all 10 Pillars of Health, and thereby prevent recurrences of diseases in the future, and to experience optimal health and a high quality of life.
NOTE: All these therapies are not administered to every heart patient; instead, the designated doctor choose the necessary therapies from among these based on each patient’s condition.
Click-expand each therapy to read details
What it is: Essential nutrients isolated from food, herbs & sea-plants; and concentrated into powder or liquid form.
Used for: Optimising the gut-environment; and optimising the necessary nutrient levels in the blood & organs, so to provide the organ-cells with the necessary raw material for their optimised function, optimise the body’s natural detoxification mechanism and thereby induce optimal condition & function of all major organs.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Concentrated powder-form of a full spectrum of wholesome foods.
Used for: To help the patient consume a nourishing diet continuously, avoid re-ignition of cravings to old bad-diet patterns, support the optimal condition & function of all major organs, and thereby prevent occurrences of other chronic disease in the future.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: It is a set comprising of Vegetable powder & fiber, Herbs, Essential nutrients, Essential fats, Essential salts, Antioxidants & alkalisers, Probiotics, Enzymes, and Wholesome food.
Used for: Detoxifying toxins in the blood, tissues & organs, and thereby to induce optimal condition & function of all major organs.
How its administered: Orally, and consumed at home at the schedule set by doctor.
What it is: Extracts from plant sources which are synthesised in labs to match the chemistry of hormones in the body.
Used for: Filling in the depleted hormones (which happens naturally with ageing) and thereby for balancing hormonal levels in the body; thereby optimising the necessary processes (nutrition absorption, detoxification, homeostasis, immune function, tissue repair, cellular rejuvenation, etc.), and thereby to induce optimal condition & function of all major organs.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Pleuri-potent-Cells harvested from sources (placenta, bone marrow) that are compatible with the patient’s DNA.
Used for: Filling in the depletion of base-cells* in the body (that naturally occurs with ageing), and inducing on-going optimised rejuvenation in the major organs & tissues, and thereby to induce optimal condition & function of all major organs.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: A special frequency of ultraviolet light generated by a therapeutic machine, administered intravenously.
Used for: Increasing the oxygen carrying capacity of blood cells, activating the immune cells, optimising metabolism, optimising immunity, and thereby to induce optimal condition & function of all major organs.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: Extracts from various medicinal herbs (in the form of: powders, infusions, and oils).
Used for: Optimising brain & nerve regulation, hormonal levels, mitochondrial function, metabolism, blood circulation, heart & blood vessel function, and also optimising the natural repair, healing & rejuvenation in major organs, and thereby to induce optimal condition & function of all major organs.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Machine based therapy, in which inflatable cuffs are wrapped around the patient’s calves & thighs, and inflated during the diastolic phase of the heart-beat cycle (when the heart is expanding) which forces the blood from the lower section of the body into the heart without any additional workload to the heart, and then deflated during the systolic phase of the heart-beat cycle (when the heart is contracting). This is done for about 45mins to 1 hour, and repeated for around 35 sessions.
Used for: Optimising blood circulation and thereby optimising delivery of oxygen & essential nutrients to the heart & other major organs; also used for optimising lymph circulation, and thereby optimising the efficiency of the body’s natural detoxification mechanism, and cumulatively thereby to induce optimal condition & function of all major organs.
How its administered: EECP Therapy machine, in the clinic.
What it is: A machine based therapy. A chamber that contains oxygen at high concentration & pressure in which the patient lies down for around 30 mins.
Used for: Optimising oxygen content in the blood, highly alkalise the blood & tissue-fluid, optimising the natural repair, healing & rejuvenation in major organs, and thereby to induce optimal condition & function of all major organs.
How its administered: Hyperbaric therapy machine, in the clinic.
What it is: Specialised movement & exercise routines.
Used for: Optimising blood & lymph circulation, detoxification, brain & nerve regulation, and mitochondrial function, and thereby to induce optimal condition & function of all major organs.
How its administered: At patient’s place of convenience.
Normalising all 10 Pillars of Health, results in restoring all organs to their healthy condition. But in certain cases the unhealthy conditions in organs is severe & life-threatening in which case treating those unhealthy conditions becomes a separate focused objective in our treatment, and specialised therapies are used for this.
NOTE: All these therapies are not administered to every patient; instead, the designated doctor chooses the necessary therapies from among these based on each patient’s condition.
Click-expand each therapy to read details
What it is: It is a set comprising of Vegetable powder & fiber, Herbs, Essential nutrients, Essential fats, Essential salts, Antioxidants & alkalisers, Probiotics, Enzymes, and Wholesome food.
Used for: Opening up the circulation & elimination channels in the body, so to then allow the efficient flow of therapeutic compounds (used in other therapies for treating unhealthy conditions in major organs) into the major organs.
And for, dissolving some of the unhealthy conditions in the major organs – mucus, acids, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc.
Also used for, improving the function of detox organs (liver, gallbladder, kidneys, skin, intestines & colon), and thereby aid to treat the unhealthy conditions in major organs.
How its administered: Orally, and consumed at home at the schedule set by doctor.
What it is: Chelation Therapy is basically an intravenous therapy – a specially formulated compound (called ‘chelator agent’) is sent into the blood stream for about 30 mins. The chelator agent & its concentration is chosen based on the patient’s body condition.
Used for: Treating unhealthy conditions in major organs; primarily – dissolving plaque, dissolving crystals (stones), and extracting & flushing-out heavy metals.
How its administered: Intravenously.
What it is: FIR Therapy (Far-Infra-Red Therapy) is basically a chamber in which Far-infra red frequencies are resonated & propagated.
Used for: Raise the body’s core temperature, raise metabolism, relax blood vessels, stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system; and thereby stimulate the body’s natural detoxification mechanism, and open up the detox channels, so to cause the dissolved mucus, acids, visceral fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs) to be effectively flushed out of the body, and thereby inducing restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: The patient is placed in the FIR Therapeutic Chamber for 30 minutes. Number of sessions is determined by doctor based on patient’s condition.
What it is: A concentrated form of hydrogen ions, produced in a therapeutic hydrogen ion generator, sent into the blood-stream of the patient for about 30 minutes.
Used for: Reducing oxidative stress & inflammation in major organs, and thereby induces the restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously.
What it is: A blend of dark-green vegetables and optionally some fruits (for palatability).
Used for: Further alkalising the blood, and thereby further aid in the dissolving of mucus, acids, crystals/stones, visceral fat, plaque, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby inducing restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Essential nutrients isolated from food, herbs & sea-plants; and concentrated into powder or liquid form.
Used for: Provide the organ-cells with the necessary raw material for their proper function, so to induce natural rejuvenation in major organs, and thereby induce a restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Machine based therapy, in which inflatable cuffs are wrapped around the patient’s calves & thighs, and inflated during the diastolic phase of the heart-beat cycle (when the heart is expanding) which forces the blood from the lower section of the body into the heart without any additional workload to the heart, and then deflated during the systolic phase of the heart-beat cycle (when the heart is contracting). This is done for about 45mins to 1 hour, and repeated for around 35 sessions.
Used for: Enhancing the condition & function of the blood vessels, lymph vessels, and the heart, thereby enhancing blood & lymph circulation, and thereby enhancing the flushing out of mucus, acids, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs) to be effectively flushed out of the body, and thereby inducing restoration of major organs to their healthy condition, and ultimately inducing restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: In the clinic.
What it is: A machine based therapy. A chamber that contains oxygen at high concentration & pressure in which the patient lies down for around 30 mins.
Used for: Increasing oxygen content in the blood, so to highly alkalise it, and thereby further aid in the dissolving of mucus, acids, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: In the clinic.
What it is: A portion of blood is extracted from the patient, which is then oxygenated & activated in a specialised device. This oxygen-rich and activated blood is then re-infused into the patient’s body intravenously.
Used for: Increase oxygen content in the blood, so to highly alkalise it, and thereby further aid in the dissolving of mucus, acids, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: Concentrated form of nutrients from food, herbs & sea-plants.
Used for: Providing the organ-cells with the necessary raw material for their proper function, so to induce natural rejuvenation in major organs, and thereby induce a restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: Extracts from various medicinal herbs (in the form of: powders, infusions, and oils).
Used for: Normalising brain & nerve regulation, balancing hormonal levels, normalising mitochondrial function, normalising metabolism, improving blood circulation, improving heart & blood vessel function, reducing mental & nervous stress, inducing repair, healing & rejuvenation in heart blood vessels, and thereby cumulatively to induce restoration in major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Specialised movement & exercise routines.
Used for: Enhancing blood & lymph circulation, and thereby aid in the flushing out of the dissolved mucus, acids, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby inducing restoration of major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: At patient’s place of convenience.
Scroll up & Click the next tab “NORMALISE ALL 10 PILLARS OF HEALTH”, to view its details.
Abnormal states in 10 Pillars of Health are the root causes to all unhealthy conditions in organs, and normalising the states in all 10 Pillars of Health results restoring all organs to their healthy condition. Therefore, the second primary objective & key result in our treatment is to normalise all 10 Pillars of Health.
Abnormal states in any one or more of the 10 Pillars of Health is the root cause to unhealthy conditions in major organs. Specifically, these are the 10 Root Causes: (1) Bad food diet, lack of essential nutrition, bad gut environment (2) Too much internal toxicity, & highly toxic external environment; (3) Poor blood & lymph circulation and oxygenation; (4) Abnormal brain & nerve regulation; (5) Hormonal imbalances; (6) Low base-cell* levels; (7) Abnormal mitochondrial function; (8) Abnormal genetics & epigenetics; (9) Stressed state of mind & emotions; (10) Poor physical activity & lifestyle.
The following therapies are administered to normalise all 10 Pillars of Health i.e. to treat these 10 Root Causes, and thereby resolve unhealthy conditions in major organs.
NOTE: All these therapies are not administered to every patient; instead, the designated doctor chooses the necessary therapies from among these based on each patient’s condition.
Click-expand each therapy to read details
What it is: Essential nutrients isolated from food, herbs & sea-plants; and concentrated into powder or liquid form.
Used for: Normalising the gut-environment; and normalising the necessary nutrient levels in the blood & organs, so to provide the organ-cells with the necessary raw material for their proper function, normalise the body’s natural detoxification mechanism and thereby both treat & prevent the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of all major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Concentrated form of nutrients from plants & herbs in liquid form.
Used for: Normalising the necessary nutrient levels in the blood & organs, so to provide the organ-cells with the necessary raw material for their proper function, normalise the body’s natural detoxification mechanism and thereby both treat & prevent the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of all major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: Concentrated powder-form of a full spectrum of wholesome foods.
Used for: A bad diet is one of the major causes to unhealthy conditions in major organs. Therefore, Wholesome food therapy is administered to help the patient consume a nourishing diet and thereby both treat & prevent the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of all major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: It is a set comprising of Vegetable powder & fiber, Herbs, Essential nutrients, Essential fats, Essential salts, Antioxidants & alkalisers, Probiotics, Enzymes, and Wholesome food.
Used for: Detoxifying the toxins in the blood, alkalising the blood, and thereby both treat & prevent the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of all major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, and consumed at home at the schedule set by doctor.
What it is: Chelation Therapy is basically a specially formulated compound (called ‘chelator agent’) sent into the blood stream to bind to toxic heavy metals like mercury, lead, etc. and then flush these out of the body. The chelator agent & its concentration is chosen based on the patient’s body condition.
Used for: Presence of toxic heavy metals like mercury, lead, etc. in the blood is one of the major root causes to unhealthy conditions in major organs. These toxic metals cannot be moved out of the blood & organs by Detoxification Therapy alone, it needs special compounds that can affectively bind to those toxic metals and flush them out of the body; and therefore, Chelation Therapy is used for just this, and thereby to both treat & prevent the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. (all which were the unhealthy conditions in major organs), and thereby induce restoration of all major organs to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously.
What it is: FIR Therapy (Far-Infra-Red Therapy) is basically a chamber in which Far-infra red frequencies are resonated & propagated.
Used for: Raising the body’s core temperature, raising metabolism, relaxing blood vessels, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system; and thereby stimulating the body’s natural detoxification mechanism, and open up the detox channels, so to then enhance the flushing out of toxins.
How its administered: In the clinic. The patient is placed in the FIR Therapeutic Chamber for 30 minutes. Number of sessions is determined by doctor based on patient’s condition.
What it is: A concentrated form of hydrogen ions, produced in a therapeutic hydrogen ion generator.
Used for: Oxidative stress results in inflammation in major organs, and thereby contributes to the build up of mucus, acids, infection, visceral-fat, plaque, crystals/stones, blood clots, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer etc. in major organs. Therefore, Hydrogen therapy is used for reducing oxidative stress, thereby reducing inflammation, and thereby further aids in the restoration of all major organs to their normal healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: A portion of blood is extracted from the patient, which is then oxygenated & activated in a specialised device. This oxygen-rich and activated blood is then re-infused into the patient’s body intravenously.
Used for: Increase oxygen content in the blood, highly alkalise the blood, and thereby induce repair & healing in all major organs, improve their function, and induce restoration to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Intravenously, in the clinic.
What it is: Extracts from various medicinal herbs (in the form of: powders, infusions, and oils).
Used for: Normalising brain & nerve regulation, balancing hormonal levels, normalising mitochondrial function, normalising metabolism, improving blood circulation, improving heart & blood vessel function, reducing mental & nervous stress, and thereby induce repair & healing in all major organs, improve their function, and induce restoration to their healthy condition.
How its administered: Orally, at home.
What it is: Machine based therapy, in which inflatable cuffs are wrapped around the patient’s calves & thighs, and inflated during the diastolic phase of the heart-beat cycle (when the heart is expanding) which forces the blood from the lower section of the body into the heart without any additional workload to the heart, and then deflated during the systolic phase of the heart-beat cycle (when the heart is contracting). This is done for about 45mins to 1 hour, and repeated for around 35 sessions.
Used for: Improving blood circulation and thereby improving delivery of oxygen & essential nutrients to the heart & other major organs; also used for improving lymph circulation, and thereby improving the efficiency of the body’s natural detoxification mechanism, so to cumulatively induce repair & healing in all major organs, improve their function, and induce restoration to their healthy condition.
How its administered: EECP Therapy machine, in the clinic.